It is the policy of this company to operate our business in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the quality standards set by our stakeholders. To achieve this, we are committed to continuous improvement of our operations and the products and services provided by our company.
To achieve this goal, we recognise that the quality of our products and services are determined by our customer’s needs and expectations. Our objectives are to:
- identify the changing needs and expectations of our customers
- develop and maintain processes and procedures that ensure that these changes are accommodated
- achieve efficiency in our operations, attention to detail, and responsiveness to customer priorities
- provide quality products and services on time, and at the lowest cost, and
- provide an employment environment where continuous improvement is encouraged.
We, as a company will:
- train all workers and contractors to identify areas where improvement can be achieved
- remove wasteful and non-value-added steps and time in our processes where feasible
- strive to ensure that customer and stakeholder satisfaction is achieved at all times, and in all things, and
- support the adoption of appropriate quality systems and management principles in order that all stakeholders benefit from this commitment to quality.
Workers are expected to:
- assist and cooperate in ensuring that this policy is followed, and
- actively participate in the adherence of this company to the achievement of the goals and objectives of this policy.
This company is committed to providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, for the health, safety and welfare of all staff, workers, contractors, volunteers, customers and visitors to a workplace. This commitment extends to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place members of the public, the local community or environment to risk of harm, injury, illness or damage.
We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment in our workplaces for all persons, and that the safety and well-being of persons includes the psychological and psychosocial aspects of the individual.
We will adopt procedures
- to eliminate risks to health, safety and well-being so far as is reasonably practicable, and
- if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health, safety and well-being, to minimise or reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
To achieve this, we will, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- provide and maintain healthy and safe workplaces, safe plant and safe systems of work;
- provide written procedures and instructions to ensure safe work practices;
- ensure compliance with all relevant Acts, Regulations, Codes and Standards;
- ensure that all persons discharge and comply with their health and safety duties and obligations;
- provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to workers, contractors and other persons as is necessary to ensure their continued health and safety;
- provide support and assistance to workers and involve them in consultation on safety issues; and
- ensure that workers and other people are not exposed to psychological health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking.
The company, as the person conducting a business or undertaking, has the primary duty of care under the Act, and as such must ensure the health, safety and welfare of workers and other persons who may be affected by our operations, products, services and activities.
Officers of the company must exercise due diligence to ensure that the PCBU complies with its WHS duties.
Workers (including volunteers) must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and for the health and safety of other persons, and comply with any reasonable instruction or policy given by the PCBU to enable it to comply with the Work Health and Safety Act.
This company is committed to providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, for the health, safety and welfare of all staff, employees, contractors, volunteers, customers and visitors to a workplace. This commitment extends to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place members of the public, the local community or environment to risk of harm, injury, illness or damage.
We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment in our workplaces for all persons, and that the safety and well-being of persons includes the psychological and psychosocial aspects of the individual.
We will adopt procedures
- to eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable, and
- if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to minimise or reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
To achieve this, we will:
- provide and maintain healthy and safe workplaces, safe plant and systems of work;
- provide written procedures and instructions to ensure safe work practices;
- ensure compliance with all relevant Acts, Regulations, Codes and Standards;
- ensure that all persons discharge and comply with their health and safety duties and obligations;
- provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to workers, contractors and other persons as is necessary to ensure their continued health and safety;
- provide support and assistance to workers and involve them in consultation on safety issues;and
- ensure that employees and other people are not exposed to psychological health and safety risks arising from the operations of the company.
The company, as the employer, has the primary duty of care under the Act, and as such must ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and other persons who may be affected by our operations, products, services and activities.
Officers of the company must take reasonable care to ensure that the company does not contravene a provision of the Act or Regulations to the extent of their knowledge of and their ability to participate in the making of decisions in relation to the matter concerned.
Employees must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and the health and safety of other persons and comply with any reasonable instruction or policy given by the employer to enable it to comply with its duties under the Act.
The company will, in keeping with our commitment to eliminate and minimise risks to workers and the public, do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure that transport-related operations and activities carried out by or on behalf of the company are safe and without risks to any person.
As a party in the chain of responsibility, we recognise our obligation to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure that breaches of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) do not occur. In fulfilling this obligation, we will identify and assess any risk, and work to eliminate or minimise potential harm or loss by taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of persons in the supply chain who may be affected by our operations and activities.
We will, to the extent that we are reasonably able to do so,
- implement systems and processes to achieve compliance with and not contravene the HVNL
- ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the systems are maintained, including ensuring adequate supervision and auditing of the systems
- ensure that all managers, supervisors and workers are instructed in their obligations under the HVNL, and how they are to carry them out
- actively prevent breaches of laws and eliminate any arrangement that may cause or encourage another party to break the law.
The company has a responsibility to ensure that:
- heavy vehicles owned or operated by the company are supplied, operated and maintained in accordance with heavy vehicle standards
- all persons in the company are aware of their HVNL obligations and duties to ensure compliance.
Executive officers have ‘due diligence’ obligations to ensure that parties in the chain of responsibility comply with their requirements under the HVNL.
Workers have duties to ensure that:
- vehicles are loaded in accordance with loading and mass limits and operated in a safe manner in compliance with all road rules, and
- they comply with fatigue management guidelines and plans and to ensure their fitness for work at all times when operating heavy vehicles.
As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of responsible environmental management, sustainability and protection of the natural environment, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to minimise our environmental footprint, and to ensure that our activities, products and services do not place the natural environment or the local community at risk of harm.
We are committed to environmental sustainability and prevention of pollution. We will achieve this by working with our customers, suppliers and the community to adopt procedures that –
- take significant environmental aspects and impacts into account throughout our operations
- use energy and natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimise waste, and re-use and recycle where practicable
- reduce polluting substances produced by our operations, activities, products or services
- minimise the impact of our operations on the neighbouring community
- increase the use of environmentally acceptable materials, equipment and technology in place of those which are considered harmful
- ensure that our suppliers follow acceptable environmental policies, and
- actively promote environmental awareness among workers, clients, customers and the general public.
We recognise that the overall responsibility for environmental sustainability rests with management, who will be accountable for the implementation of this policy. These responsibilities include –
- ensuring that all environmental policies and procedures are implemented;
- establishing measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at the elimination of waste, pollution and environmental harm;
- encouraging consultation and co-operation between management, workers and stakeholders in matters which may affect or impact on the environment; and
- providing adequate resources to meet these environmental commitments.
Workers also have responsibilities, which include –
- following all environmental policies and procedures; and
- recognising and reporting hazards which may affect the health and well-being of the environment.